Communites of the now factor

                I was sitting at my computer, reading some friends posts on Facebook and was shocked of how much we are community all about convenience and the now factor. It’s crazy how different the world is now compared to when our parents or grandparents were kids.

                People who want to lose weight and feel great in their skin don’t want to work for it. They look up cleanse or quickie diets and hope for the best. Most of the quickie diets are starvation diets and that is HORRIBLE for your body. Your body needs fuel to make it thru the day and your food is your fuel.

                There is a 7 day cleanse diet that I have been hearing about and for 7 days your drink water. That’s it, no food what so ever, just water. Your body can’t make it on that. There is no nutrients and protein to keep your body going. Yea you may lose some weight but you won’t be able to move by the end of the diet or in the hospital. This kind of craziness is how you get eating disorders.

                Others think going to the doctor to get weight loss pills will make all their problems go away. Yea they decrease your appetite and sometimes you don’t even end up eating that day. It’s like you’re on crack and your body has no idea what to do. You can’t no eat and still keep popping these pills.

 Even if you eat every day and lose all this weight with these pills, what happens when you stop? There is nothing to decrease your appetite except your will power. You didn’t use it really the whole time you took these pills so why would you have it now?!

Yes there are some weight loss supplements that do work and they are to be taken with your meals. The difference is these are WITH your meals not INSTEAD!

                Some people think that surgery is the answer to everything. If your arm skin is saggy, your tummy is too big, or you want a smaller nose. You are beautiful the way you are.  Don’t think that because you are overweight you need an instant result.  A lot of people who get those surgeries to make your stomach smaller gain most of their weight back after a few years. They don’t’ work out and just depend on that surgery they had. You can’t just depend on a quick fix; you have to depend on yourself.

                If you want it bad enough, just put your mind to it and you can accomplish ANYTHING!

                If you want to lose weight and don’t know how contact your local gym and talk to a professional. You can get a gym membership and have one on one sessions with a trainer. Do a few sessions and you will have some workout routines down. Do some of their classes they have, you can get a work out buddy to help you stick to your goal and vice versa, and have a great time working out.


Have you taken the easy way  on a diet? What results have you gotten? Have they stuck?


Thanks for reading and Liking my blog!

Courage to start that work-out!

Starting a new work-out is challenging and scary for just about anybody. It is hard for some people to start the work-out, stick to it, be consistent, or many other things.

                There are many things you can do to make sure that you get that end result that you have been wanting by sticking to your work-out. Who can say they were disappointed by getting the results and hitting their goal? I know I couldn’t!

                Keep only positive thoughts when going about the work-out. Most of the work-outs out there have worked for someone or they wouldn’t be promoted like they are. Make sure you research the work-out, look for any positive or negatives on it, and focus on the positive

. Just think if they can do it you can do it. Getting off the couch is always the first step.

                Keep your eye on the prize! You want to look good in a bikini, pair of super short shorts, or just fit back into that wedding dress. Get it out, buy a bikini and hang it up somewhere. Remind yourself that you are worth it and you will fit into it. Know that there is no quick fix to getting healthy and fit. All of it depends on you and you got this.

 Try the outfit on, take a picture and print it out. In a few weeks of consistent work outs, looking at the picture and pushing yourself toward that goal, try it on again and take a picture. Look at those results and remind yourself you are doing amazing. Any pound or inch of your body is fantastic. Keep these pictures up to see your progress and look at that outfit saying “dang I am going to look sexy in this”!

                Repeat “you go do this” over and over in your head when it gets tough and you just want to quit. When running or walking pick a distant goal and pick up the pace to that goal. When you feel like you can’t make it say “yes I can” and focus on going forward.

 Hit your goal you chose and know that you did a great job. I repeat “Go GO GO” over and over as my feet hit the ground and I focus on my steps instead of how far away my goal is. Every step you take brings you closer to the immediate and your goal of being healthy.

And if you just can’t keep with the program for lack of motivation, confidence, or any reason get a work-out buddy. You know that at least one of your friends is looking for that motivation or a friend who loves you and wants to help. Give them a call or text to work-out with you. If you don’t want to have them see you scream and shout from the sit-ups you’re doing go for a walk or a hike. Any exercise you do is amazing.

                It takes 21 days to make a habit.

 Get a dry erase board with a calendar on it and pick a start date. Don’t pick next month or the week after next. That is not going to help you one bit and you know it. Go 21 days of some sort of exercise, walk around your block a few times, jumping jacks during commercials on your favorite TV shows, or march in place. It will all become a habit and you can continuously add more anytime you want or feel the need.

Feeling proud of your progress and want people to know?!?! Facebook the results you’re getting or tweet them. At least one person will read it and that is awesome. I know that when I hit a goal I run to my computer to put it in Facebook. It puts a HUGE smile on my face knowing someone out there is either like “girl you’re doing good” or “I wish I had the strength to make that change in my life’. You know it feels good to know that you are taking that step to improve your life for whatever reason it may be.

What work-outs are you trying? What words of encouragement do you use?

Thanks for reading! Have a great Independence Day!