Stuck in a rut here is some good luck!

Stuck in a rut with you diet or work-out? Stressed to the max and thinking of quitting? DON’T!  Stop thinking like that and just readjust what you are doing.

                Scale not giving you the numbers you are looking for? Think of everything you’re doing not just what you’re doing during the work out or your diet information. Are you keeping a complete food journal, not just the calories you want to write down? Are you changing up your works outs? Your body gets used to the same work out and will stop helping you achieve your goal.

 Start by changing up your work-outs more often. Some people work out for 5 days and then take a 2 day break. Others have set work-outs for set days such as: Monday and Wednesday work your abs; Tuesday and Thursday work your legs and so on and so forth. Everyone has their own way of doing it and if yours isn’t working change it up. Confuse your body and you’ll start seeing the results again.

 Also make sure you give your body some rest so that way it can catch up to you. When your body is tired you can start catching colds and virus’s easier, pulling muscles, and much more. When your body is tired everything about you is tired. Remember to take a day’s rest here and there to improve your results and your body.

Did you decide to take a short and break and now you can’t get back on track? Just breath, it’s not as hard as it seems. Just get back into it slowly. Pick a show and during the dreaded commercials pick a quick exercise. Do jumping jacks jog in place, hold a plank, or whatever you want! TV shows are usually 22 minutes with 8 minutes of commercials. That is 8 minutes of exercise you just did and if you repeat this a second time that is 16 minutes. You are already back on track and doing great.

 Now grab your headphones, put on Pandora and walk/jog around your block for a bit. If you do 14 minutes of walking or jogging around the block that is 30 minutes of exercise that day. You are already off your break and back in action. Keep doing this for 5 days and then take a day’s break. Then start again the next day with your favorite show and you won’t have an issue getting started again.

Same with your diet, start back on that slowly as well. Say to yourself” I will be starting my diet again this morning and nothing will hold me back from my dreams”! Put all the junk food on the back row and the healthy in the front. It helps with the temptation of wanting to grab that quick full of calorie snack.  Now throughout the day make sure you remember your goal and the reason you started this diet in the first place. You got this and you ARE in control.

Are personal issue’s wreaking havoc on your emotions and motivation?  One thing NOT to do is turn to food, nothing good EVER comes of this. You need to sit and think about what is really bothering you. Don’t focus on the drama that is going on around you; find the issue that is truly affecting you.  What is making you cry or making you angry? Now when you figure that out you know the root of the problem, RUN IT OUT!

 Put your sneakers on, turn some music up, and head out the door. Walk/jog/ run till you wore out. Head home, take a bath, and then hit the hay. When you wake up your body will probably hurt but your brain will be clear. Sometimes the best medicine is time to just clean your head and focus on you. After all you know more about your heart and body than anyone else.

 If you’re still sad, put in a sad movie to cry it out then go for a jog to clear your head. Still angry go to the gym and start punching that bag. For every punch say why you’re mad and why that makes you angry. I bet your run out of reasons why you’re mad before you get wore out. Keep punching till your arms feel like spaghetti noodles. This works because you get out in the open why you’re upset and you just pounded the anger out. Sometimes you have to exhaust your body and mind to fix emotional issues that you have.

Now realize you just did two days of exercise and there wasn’t an excuse that could hold you back. That makes you amazing and that you can do anything you put your mind to.  I knew you could do it and remind yourself of that every day.

Courage to start that work-out!

Starting a new work-out is challenging and scary for just about anybody. It is hard for some people to start the work-out, stick to it, be consistent, or many other things.

                There are many things you can do to make sure that you get that end result that you have been wanting by sticking to your work-out. Who can say they were disappointed by getting the results and hitting their goal? I know I couldn’t!

                Keep only positive thoughts when going about the work-out. Most of the work-outs out there have worked for someone or they wouldn’t be promoted like they are. Make sure you research the work-out, look for any positive or negatives on it, and focus on the positive

. Just think if they can do it you can do it. Getting off the couch is always the first step.

                Keep your eye on the prize! You want to look good in a bikini, pair of super short shorts, or just fit back into that wedding dress. Get it out, buy a bikini and hang it up somewhere. Remind yourself that you are worth it and you will fit into it. Know that there is no quick fix to getting healthy and fit. All of it depends on you and you got this.

 Try the outfit on, take a picture and print it out. In a few weeks of consistent work outs, looking at the picture and pushing yourself toward that goal, try it on again and take a picture. Look at those results and remind yourself you are doing amazing. Any pound or inch of your body is fantastic. Keep these pictures up to see your progress and look at that outfit saying “dang I am going to look sexy in this”!

                Repeat “you go do this” over and over in your head when it gets tough and you just want to quit. When running or walking pick a distant goal and pick up the pace to that goal. When you feel like you can’t make it say “yes I can” and focus on going forward.

 Hit your goal you chose and know that you did a great job. I repeat “Go GO GO” over and over as my feet hit the ground and I focus on my steps instead of how far away my goal is. Every step you take brings you closer to the immediate and your goal of being healthy.

And if you just can’t keep with the program for lack of motivation, confidence, or any reason get a work-out buddy. You know that at least one of your friends is looking for that motivation or a friend who loves you and wants to help. Give them a call or text to work-out with you. If you don’t want to have them see you scream and shout from the sit-ups you’re doing go for a walk or a hike. Any exercise you do is amazing.

                It takes 21 days to make a habit.

 Get a dry erase board with a calendar on it and pick a start date. Don’t pick next month or the week after next. That is not going to help you one bit and you know it. Go 21 days of some sort of exercise, walk around your block a few times, jumping jacks during commercials on your favorite TV shows, or march in place. It will all become a habit and you can continuously add more anytime you want or feel the need.

Feeling proud of your progress and want people to know?!?! Facebook the results you’re getting or tweet them. At least one person will read it and that is awesome. I know that when I hit a goal I run to my computer to put it in Facebook. It puts a HUGE smile on my face knowing someone out there is either like “girl you’re doing good” or “I wish I had the strength to make that change in my life’. You know it feels good to know that you are taking that step to improve your life for whatever reason it may be.

What work-outs are you trying? What words of encouragement do you use?

Thanks for reading! Have a great Independence Day!

Nightly Exercise/Apps I use

Usually in the evenings around 730pm I get ready to go for a walk/jog. I say walk/jog because I am NOT a runner just yet. I wish I could go run for 10 miles and barely break a sweat but that’s just not me. I walk for a few minutes then do a minute of jogging. I am working my way up to two minutes of jogging.

I’ve never really been a runner. I can walk all day. I am the go to girl for amusement parks and scenery walks. You walk slow and take in everything around you. With jogging or running I have always thought that it was all focusing on your speed and endurance. That you didn’t focus on anything around you. Boy was I wrong.

Since I have started I have learned that I do much better when I am focusing on everything around me. Sometimes I get so caught up in how open the space is and the beauty in it all. Or I just get caught up in watching my dogs splash through all the water they can find and run off just to run back at lightning speed like they have something on their tail. Funniest thing ever I swear.

I have learned that applications on my IPhone are some life savers. I tend to get distracted sometimes and forget what I was doing. I know I call those blonde moments. I use my applications for everything. I wouldn’t know how far I walked or jogged, how many calories I lost, I wouldn’t have motivation on those lazy days, or be able to pick up the pace. I also have some of these applications hooked in with my Facebook. I love seeing the improvements I have made on my newsfeed because I know everyone else is seeing this also. You know it feels good when someone compliments you and it makes you want to keep it up.

I have an application called Zombie Run and it is awesome. I am one of the people who love zombie things period so this app was right up my alley. It did cost $3.99 but totally worth it. Basically you have missions that you select from. The first one is of you flying in to the base and you hear everyone talking around you. Then you crash and you have to run to a hospital then to the base. You can hear the Zombies behind you. I booked it down the road leaving my husband in the dust. He had no idea what was going on. On the days where I really don’t have motivation to do more than a slow pace I use this application.

I also have another application called map my walk. It uses GPS to map your route and your distance. It does help because I don’t go the gym or walking trails that have the miles mapped out for you. I also use this application in wal mart. I know that when I am there I do a lot of walking. You know how it is, needing some groceries but also needing something for the garden. They are always on opposite sides of the building. I think they do it on purpose but it works out in the end. I do AT LEAST half a mile every time I am in there. This application also tells you the calories you have lost. I try to do 3-4 miles an evening. I want to get up to five but when I hit that 4 mile mark I am pooped.

The last application I have recently found is called charity mile. For every mile you walk they have sponsors who give the charity you picked money. Each time you walk you can pick a different charity. I have been wanting to give back to the community somehow and what better way than to get your exercise in while doing a good deed.

I have also learned I do so much better with upbeat songs. I just use Pandora radio station but a lot of people have their music lists. I have sat down several times to make a list of songs I think I would like to run to and that will keep me motivated. I totally blank and can’t think of one song. So I just use Pandora and pick from my MANY radio stations that I have accrued over time.

Tonight I did 4 miles, burned 535 calories, and averaged 13 minutes a mile. I ran from several zombies and came out alive. I went old school with some prince and Janet Jackson, and then switched it up to my old school which is nsync and the early songs of Brittney Spears. I came home feeling amazing and I love that I can say that I sweated my butt off tonight. Anyone else get in the exercise they wanted today? If so what did you do and how effective is it? How did you feel afterwards? I would love to hear from you.

Have a great night!

A little bit about me :)

      So as my first post as a blogger I figured I would write a little bit about myself. I am 24 and have recently married an amazing man. I have 3 crazy cute dogs who rule our house.

     I decided to start a blog to motivate myself and to hold myself accountable. I have started many diets in the past few years and I always ended up stopping. I gave excuses for everything, ” Its the weekend so I should enjoy myself” or ” I deserve one treat” so i would go load up on carbohydrates, sugars, and everything else. I didn’t find ways to stop my excuses or even fight back. 

      I currently weigh 176, which is better then two years ago when i weighted 200 lbs on the dot. I am only 5’2 so this amount of weight is considered obese( which is crazy in my opinion). My goal weight is 160 for now, when I hit that number I will pick a lower number 🙂

     I stopped drinking pop June 10th, so almost to the 21 day mark so hopefully it will become a habit. It was rough at first but then I found green tea. I personally like the Lipton green tea with citrus. It is only 100 calories a bottle and it is delicious! 

   So on this blog I will be posting the exercises I do, the results i am getting, the different healthy foods i find, and much more. I would love to hear from anyone who has done a diet, succeeded or failed, and from people who are doing or planning a diet. Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and have a great night 🙂