Stuck in a rut here is some good luck!

Stuck in a rut with you diet or work-out? Stressed to the max and thinking of quitting? DON’T!  Stop thinking like that and just readjust what you are doing.

                Scale not giving you the numbers you are looking for? Think of everything you’re doing not just what you’re doing during the work out or your diet information. Are you keeping a complete food journal, not just the calories you want to write down? Are you changing up your works outs? Your body gets used to the same work out and will stop helping you achieve your goal.

 Start by changing up your work-outs more often. Some people work out for 5 days and then take a 2 day break. Others have set work-outs for set days such as: Monday and Wednesday work your abs; Tuesday and Thursday work your legs and so on and so forth. Everyone has their own way of doing it and if yours isn’t working change it up. Confuse your body and you’ll start seeing the results again.

 Also make sure you give your body some rest so that way it can catch up to you. When your body is tired you can start catching colds and virus’s easier, pulling muscles, and much more. When your body is tired everything about you is tired. Remember to take a day’s rest here and there to improve your results and your body.

Did you decide to take a short and break and now you can’t get back on track? Just breath, it’s not as hard as it seems. Just get back into it slowly. Pick a show and during the dreaded commercials pick a quick exercise. Do jumping jacks jog in place, hold a plank, or whatever you want! TV shows are usually 22 minutes with 8 minutes of commercials. That is 8 minutes of exercise you just did and if you repeat this a second time that is 16 minutes. You are already back on track and doing great.

 Now grab your headphones, put on Pandora and walk/jog around your block for a bit. If you do 14 minutes of walking or jogging around the block that is 30 minutes of exercise that day. You are already off your break and back in action. Keep doing this for 5 days and then take a day’s break. Then start again the next day with your favorite show and you won’t have an issue getting started again.

Same with your diet, start back on that slowly as well. Say to yourself” I will be starting my diet again this morning and nothing will hold me back from my dreams”! Put all the junk food on the back row and the healthy in the front. It helps with the temptation of wanting to grab that quick full of calorie snack.  Now throughout the day make sure you remember your goal and the reason you started this diet in the first place. You got this and you ARE in control.

Are personal issue’s wreaking havoc on your emotions and motivation?  One thing NOT to do is turn to food, nothing good EVER comes of this. You need to sit and think about what is really bothering you. Don’t focus on the drama that is going on around you; find the issue that is truly affecting you.  What is making you cry or making you angry? Now when you figure that out you know the root of the problem, RUN IT OUT!

 Put your sneakers on, turn some music up, and head out the door. Walk/jog/ run till you wore out. Head home, take a bath, and then hit the hay. When you wake up your body will probably hurt but your brain will be clear. Sometimes the best medicine is time to just clean your head and focus on you. After all you know more about your heart and body than anyone else.

 If you’re still sad, put in a sad movie to cry it out then go for a jog to clear your head. Still angry go to the gym and start punching that bag. For every punch say why you’re mad and why that makes you angry. I bet your run out of reasons why you’re mad before you get wore out. Keep punching till your arms feel like spaghetti noodles. This works because you get out in the open why you’re upset and you just pounded the anger out. Sometimes you have to exhaust your body and mind to fix emotional issues that you have.

Now realize you just did two days of exercise and there wasn’t an excuse that could hold you back. That makes you amazing and that you can do anything you put your mind to.  I knew you could do it and remind yourself of that every day.